"I stormed out of the ICA cinema. I had been suffering the debut movie of Tony Ward... Hustler White is sad pornography disguised as art house cinema." Boy George, The London Daily Express

"My verdict: It's disgusting, sick, filthy, pornographic, and scary, but as far as disgusting, sick, filthy, scary porno goes, it's not bad." London Sunday Mail

Hustler White

"Any movie that conveys this much detailed information on the geography and social terrain of Santa Monica Boulevard must have some redeeming social value." Stephen Holden, The New York Times

"Hustler White is art-school, seventies porn, full of camp references and gay in-speak, compounded by LaBruce's fucked sense of humour and finally redeemed by Ward's naive charm." Kate Spicer, The Face

Hustler White

"Hustler White is a Bruce LaBruce spectacular: lots of camp references, non-stop carefree sexual encounters, profuse narrative looseness, and plenty of underground, insider, outrageous, post-punk, post-queer attitude." Mathew Gilbert, The Boston Globe

"Hustler White is one of the year's best." Enrnest Hardy, LA Weekly

Hustler White Hustler White

"I've seen over 3000 movies, but never anything like this. Hustler White, now being shown in London by our very own, state-subsidized Institute of Contemporary Arts, is the most disgusting motion picture I have ever seen. The practices within this film go far beyond the limits of decency or civilized behaviour. They include explicit scenes of sado-masochistic violence, burning and bloodshed just for pleasure. Hustler White is not even well-made pornography. It is atrociously written, incompetently acted, and abysmally produced. This profoundly perverted film has an '18' certificate that makes a mockery of our system of classification. It also calls into question our cultural commissar's notion of 'contemporary arts'. Those who make such films need psychiatric help, not approval from the censor and financial and moral support from the taxpayer. No stars." The London Daily Mail

Hustler White

"Much of what is intimated rather than actually depicted defies description in a family newspaper, but it is not hardcore. Hustler White is a delerious satirical fantasy." Kevin Thomas, The Los Angeles Times

"I cannot understand how the Institute of Contemporary Arts reconciles its own charitable status with presenting the brazen promiscuities of such a grossly prurient show. It gloats and smacks its lips over the sex trade and such repellent scenes as an amputee using his stump to pleasure a fetishist or an elderly English masochist of Quentin Crisp-like stateliness drooling over cigarette burns and bloody razor blade cuts inflicted on his naked torso. The film doesn't possess the remotist artistic merit, nor the slightest concern for suffering humanity in its heart, mind, or loins. No stars." Alexander Walker, The Evening Standard

Hustler White Hustler White

"Building on the success of No Skin Off My Ass and Super 8 1/2, LaBruce confirms himself here as a subversive talent whose sensibilities, while shocking to some, are essentially comic and romantic." i-D magazine

"It's hard to know what to say about Hustler White without using diagrams. This is gay pornography shot on dirty 16mm, with spikey dialogue, a few scattergun movie references, and a scene involving an amputee which... no, I'd definitely need a diagram to explain that one. There's an audience for it, however small, though it will doubtless be a novelty for them to see a film that doesn't come wrapped in a brown bag. Though you feel it should." The Independent

Hustler White

"One can find many antecedents for Hustler White... but to acknowledge influence is not to deny originality. The film doesn't strive for the poetry of Derek Jarman's best work. It eschews the alibi or art which some films can resort to through beautiful imagery or intellectual allusions. Instead, Hustler White communicates roughly and honestly, through trash culture with a camp inflection, but with no less complexity." Jose Arroyo, Sight and Sound

"Bruce LaBruce fills the gap between art and porn." Barry Walters, The San Francisco Examiner

"An admitted bisexual who has been a gay porno star under the name Franco Kier, ex-Madonna boy toy Tony Ward has been trying to embark on an acting career by starring as a gay street prostitute in Bruce LaBruce's low-budget film Hustler White." Steve Hertz, The National Enquirer

Order Hustler White

Hustler White | Super 8 1/2 | No Skin Off My Ass