Everyone loves to hate Bruce LaBruce, we all know that. It's human nature. Here's what Vaginal Davis had to say on the subject way back in 1992:

why everyone hates bruce labruce!
by vaginal davis

bruce labruce, or the spruce bruce as he's known in europe, is the most hated man in filmdom. todd haynes who directed "poison" hates bruce with a passion. the story goes todd wanted to fuck bruce, but bruce wasn't interested so now todd can't stand bruce, and it especially rubs him that bruce has become the darling of the underground cinema world, a title todd wanted for himself. it's all so vicious, as the truth sometimes is. another reason why bruce is so vehemently hated is because of his sexual proclivities. he shamelessly steals lovers. oh bruce, your kharma will catch up to you, coming between lovers! that's the lowest of the low! while bruce was in LA filming the back-to-back productions of "truth or nair" and the remake of "play it as it lays", he went on a wild, self-destructive binge of all nite fourgies, free-basing, and other equally dangerous debaucheries. bruce's behavior was disgusting. every night he was getting fucked by someone different, and each and every one of these men had a large cruel club cock. bruce even boasted to have slept with former laker "magic" erwin johnson. bruce horrifically made a pass at jodie foster, trying to seduce her with the knowledge that he had her image tattooed on his arm. jodie would have nothing to do with him.

- excerpted from "Shrimp" magazine

This is just one example out of thousands of the kind of vitriol and contempt that has been directed toward LaBruce. If you hate Bruce LaBruce as much as everyone else does, please let us hear what you have to say. Go ahead. Share the hatred. Add your comments, queries, complaints, ripostes, insults, death threats, mash notes, marriage proposals, or computer viruses to the guestbook

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< Photo: Rick Castro